Legal requirements to submit manuscripts

Revista Mexicana de Urología neither makes nor receives payments for receiving, processing and publishing texts. Manuscripts submitted for possible publication in RMU must sent the following documents in their entirety and final version over the OJS platform. No submission will be accepted if sent otherwise:

  1. Statement of originality and non-duplicity, this letter has to be filled in with the data of the author and in the case of articles by two or more authors, each and every author’s data have to be provided. The corresponding author, who has to provide an email address and a telephone number, must be clearly identified.
  2. Transfer letter of patrimonial rights, it must be filled in and signed by all the authors. In the case of articles by two or more authors, each and every author’s data have to be provided, and the corresponding author must be identified.
  3. In the case of previously published material, whose content is subject to copyright —graphs, images, photographs, artistic work, etc., either by the author(s) or third parties—, a copy of the reproduction authorization from the holder of the patrimonial rights must be delivered.
  4. Photographs or images where patients appear must be accompanied by their respective Informed Consent, as established in Authors’ obligations in RMU.
  5. Attach the full content of the article as defined in Guidelines for authors according to the section in which it is intended to publish.

No changes will be accepted once the process starts.