Epidemiologic profile of hospitalizations due to urolithiasis in the state of Yucatán, Mexico





Urolithiases, Hospitalization, Epidemiology, Ethnic Groups


Objective: To describe the epidemiologic characteristics of patients hospitalized due to urolithiasis in the State of Yucatán, Mexico, compared with official state and national references.

Methodological design: A retrospective, descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted. It included the hospitalizations due to urolithiasis in the public health sector, within the time frame of 2014 to 2016 in Yucatán, comparing them with the official state and national references through hypothesis contrast tests for independent samples adjusted to population size.

Results: A total of 1078 hospitalizations due to urolithiasis in Yucatán were registered and 52.8% corresponded to male patients. The mean age at hospitalization was significantly lower in the female patients at both the state and national levels. The prevalence of obesity in the hospitalized patients was 33.33, which was not statistically different from that reported by the state. The number of hospitalizations of patients residing in the capital was significantly lower than expected (31.9 versus 52.9).

Limitations: The present study was restricted to public health sector hospitalization data, and therefore, private sector registers were excluded.

Originality and value: The present analysis is the first epidemiologic study to compare and evaluate the epidemiologic factors of the registered cases of hospitalizations due to urolithiasis in the State of Yucatán.

Conclusions: There was a higher number of hospitalizations in the State of Yucatán than those registered nationally, resulting in the highest hospitalization rate in the country. Prevalence was slightly higher in men, whereas age was lower in women. The prevalence of obesity and the number of hospitalized patients of Mayan ancestry did not differ from the state registers. The number of hospitalized patients residing in the capital was lower than expected.

Author Biographies

  • José Aguilar-Moreno, Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de la Península de Yucatán

    Médico cirujano, Especialista en Urología

  • Alberto Álvarez-Baeza, Universidad Marista de Mérida

    Médico Pasante en servicio Social de Investigación

  • Nina Méndez-Domínguez, Universidad Marista de Mérida. Mérida, Yucatán, México

    Medical Doctor, Master of Sciences, PhD and Doctor of Health Sciences from Merida Mexico. Master of Bioethics candidate. Interested in Health Sciences Research, Clinical Epidemiology and the Epidemiology of diseases in Southern Mexico. Interested in translating epidemiological and clinical findings into medical education and simulation-based medical education


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