Bladder endocervicosis: an unusual pathology. A clinical case report and review of the literature




endocervicosis, endosalpingiosis, endometriosis, müllerianosis, bladder mass, partial cystectomy, transurethral resection


Introduction: Bladder endocervicosis is a rare benign pathology that may be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of bladder cancer. It normally appears like a bladder mass in young women (sometimes related to other pathologies such as endometriosis or endosalpingiosis, globally known as müllerianosis) or in older women with previous gynaecological surgeries like caesarean section or hysterectomy. Its clinical presentation is very unspecific and it is usually diagnosed incidentally in anatomopathological studies after surgical resection of the lesion.

Case Report: We present a clinical case report of a 32 years old woman with non-specific urinary symptoms and a bladder mass, histologically compatible with endocervicosis. She also presents endometriosis in pelvic resonance imaging. In addition, we make a revision of the literature.

Discussion: Even though the rarity of this pathology, we should have it in mind in the differential diagnosis of bladder masses in women, and confirm its diagnosis anatomopathologically. Its treatment is based on the complete excision of the lesion both endourologically by bladder transurethral resection or performing partial cystectomy. This way, we can solve the symptoms without having been described recurrence nor malignancy after a follow-up period of more than 10 years.


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Clinical cases