Description of the new surgical technique for webbed penis repair
Concealed penis, Penoscrotal fusion, Webbed penis, Scrotal skin fold, Penile anomaliesAbstract
Background: Webbed penis is a little-understood congenital or acquired pathology characterized by the extension of scrotal skin onto the ventral surface of the penis. It can present with few symptoms in the pediatric population but has great repercussions in adulthood. Therefore, new surgical techniques must be searched for that improve functional and cosmetic results.
Objective: To provide a detailed description of a new surgical technique in adults that adheres to the necessary principles for correcting the pathology and report its results, offering another option for webbed penis correction.
Patients and methods: Two adult patients were seen over a 4-month period at the Hospital General Regional # 46 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The pathologies were classified, and the two patients underwent the new surgical technique described herein, with visual documentation to demonstrate the results.
Results: The surgical technique consisted of a V-shaped incision and redistribution of the tissue, forming a T. There were no early or late complications and the results met the established standards for webbed penis resolution. Both patients were satisfied with the postoperative functional and cosmetic results.
Conclusion: The technique was efficacious for correcting webbed penis through a modification of the V-Y advancement flap and the introduction of a V-T redistribution flap, which improved the functional and cosmetic results.