Webbed Penis: A new classification





webbed penis, scrotal chord, penile anormalies, inconspicuos penis, peneoescrotal fusion


Background: Webbed penis is a congenital or acquired abnormality, in which   the scrotal skin extends to the ventral base of the penis. Symptomatology is not usually severe in pediatric patients, but the pathology can cause great discomfort in the adult. Accurate classification is essential for planning its correction at the time it is detected.

Objective: The present article describes a new classification for webbed penis, modifying the previous one, and completely changing the perspective of that pathology, adding a variety of abnormal folds to the most accepted classification. This new classification will aid in the selection of specific surgical techniques.

Patients and methods: The El-Koutby and El Gohary classification for webbed penis was analyzed and modified, based on its anatomic description and information on the pathology from different studies. A variant seen in a case at our hospital was added to the classification.

Results: A new classification was formulated that cover abnormalities that appear with webbed penis and are important for surgical planning. The concept of a webbed penis, as translated into Spanish, was changed for that of penile folds, and the variant seen in our patient was also included.

Conclusion: Given the ambiguity of the term and the multiple synonyms for webbed penis, the change in nomenclature to include penoscrotal and pubopenile folds among the penile folds, is considered more adequate. The modified classification also facilitates surgical technique selection in those patients.

Author Biography

  • Alan Johan Chavolla Canal, Hospital General Regional Número 46 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

    Urology service in the Regional Hospital number 46 in the Mexican Social Security Institute in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.


    • Doctor with Professional License 5623495
    • General Surgeon with Professional License 8532925 certified by the Mexican Council of Surgery number A120402
    • Urologist with Professional License 11512557certified by the Mexican Council of Urology number1462
    • Master in Health Management with Professional License 11387217
    • Assigned as eventualin the urology service at the regional Hospital #46 at the Mexican Social Security Institute in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. With license plate.





Clinical cases