Sensitivity and specificity of prostate health index (PHI), for the scrutiny of prostate cancer, avoiding the practice of unnecessary biopsies




Diagnosis, prostate cancer, prostate specific antigen, prostate health index


Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of the prostate health index (PHI) for prostate cancer screening in Mexican population with total prostate antigen (PSA) levels greater than 4ng/mL, in a second level hospital.

Method: An exploratory, cross-sectional, retrospective, diagnostic test-type study was performed in a second level hospital. Data were collected from 84 patients who underwent prostate biopsy, selected through the review of laboratory studies. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, ROC curve and the area under the curve (AUC) were measured.

Results: The sensitivity and specificity of the PHI obtained was 82 % and 84 % respectively. We considered 43 points as the optimal cutoff given by the ROC curve, with an area under the curve of 0.930; likewise, the positive predictive value was 72 % and the negative predictive value was 90%.

Limitations: The main limitation is the sample size.

Originality: It is necessary the application of new biomarkers as a screening method with a greater reliability for the diagnosis of prostate cancer to avoid the unnecessary practice of biopsies in Mexican population.

Conclusions: The study demonstrated a good prostate health index (PHI) sensitivity and specificity.


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