Renal injury secondary to e-scooter accidents


  • Saraí Margarita Botto-Lugo Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.
  • María de los Desamparados Cuenca-Ramírez Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.
  • Ana Utiel-Atienzar Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.
  • Miguel Palau-Roig Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.
  • Laura Olmos-Sánchez Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.
  • Juan Francisco Vidal-Moreno Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset, Valencia, España.



renal injury, e-scooter, AAST renal injury scale


Introduction: the e-scooter has become a common transportation method which use has been rising in the last few years. Most lesions reported secondary to e-scooter accidents are traumatic brain injury (TBI), bone fractures and in a lower percentage abdominal visceral trauma.


Methods: retrospective review of renal traumatisms cases secondary to e-scooter accidents presented to the emergency room (ER) of the Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset in Valencia, Spain since December 2021 to December 2022. A literature review on PubMed database was performed to investigate injuries caused by electric scooter use.


Results: a total of five patients were included with a mean age of 34 years, being one woman and four men. A contrasted abdominopelvic computerized tomography (CT) scan was performed in all cases as a diagnosis method. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) renal injury scale was used to classify each case and determine the correct treatment. As a result, one case of AAST grade I, one case of AAST grade III, two cases of AAST grade IV and one AAST grade V were obtained; three of which were managed conservatively and two required invasive procedures.


Conclusions: the rising use of the e-scooter as a transportation method has become a new cause and mechanism of renal traumatism to have in mind in polytraumatized patients in this context.


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Clinical cases