Synchronous Primary Testicular Tumor: a case report of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma




Primary testicular lymphoma, diffuse large-B cell lymphoma, orchiectomy, testis cancer, testicular chemotherapy


Case description: 63-year-old man of with 7-month history of progressive and gradual increase in testicular size without pain, symptoms of local or systemic infection. Biomarkers for testicular neoplasia were within the reference range: LDH(167 U/L), AFP( 1.49 IU/mL), and HCG( 0.2 mUI/mL). MR): enlarged testicular dimensions showing nodular lesions of heterogeneous enhancement. The patient initially underwent a inguinal orchiectomy who revealed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

Relevance: primary testicular lymphoma (PTL) is a rare non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that occurs in 1–2% of all cases of NHL and commonly presents as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 80–90% of cases. Bilateral and synchronous lesions are observed in 1–2% and 10% of cases, respectively. In this report, we describe our experience regarding this cancer.

Clinical implications: if not properly conducted, it can end in advanced disease with no prospect of cure, infertility, primary hypogonadism and psychological alterations due to the removal of the gonads.

Conclusions: PTL is a rare malignancy associated with high recurrence rates and poor prognosis, and multimodal therapy is warranted to achieve better long-term survival and cure rates.


Author Biographies

  • Vitor Pereira Xavier Grangeiro , Sistema Único de Salud del Municipio de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.

    Ministry of Health of Brazil, Unified Health System

  • Carmelita Félix Dantas de Oliveira, Sistema Único de Salud del Municipio de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.

    Ministry of Health of Brazil, Unified Health System


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Clinical cases